

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day Twenty-Three - Monday

December 13, 2010:

by Kassi Kuhlmann:

  Today has been awesome; Brandon remembered most of yesterday (he says 85%). In occupational therapy he played 21 and did a magic trick for the therapist, nurse, and the doctor. Brandon and his dad spent some time in the R.V. today. The last two days he has been waking up before seven and staying awake till bed time. Before he had been taking at least four naps a day. From what I've seen it seems like the last two days Brandon is more aware in the later evening hours than usual. Usually by seven o'clock Brandon gets confused and talks "crazy" as Brad says.

 Last night on the way home Brandon called me five times in twenty minutes. He is getting back to his worrisome self "Hey are you home yet ?, okay call me when you do." Tonight he keeps telling Brad and me that he's scared we are going to get hit by a car so he's not going to sleep till we get home. That's the thing about Brand is that he is always so concerned with everyone else. Since day one that he's been awake he tries sharing his food, his ice, his bed, his blankets. He keeps telling his nurses " I wanna go home and take care of my wife, she's broken." He also says that he needs to go home "to whip Branson into shape." Hooray for two-year-olds! Branson is definitely taking advantage of my broken leg, but leg's heal and I'll catch him one of these days. I cannot believe how much Brans has grown in the last three weeks. Despite the temper tantrums he throws Branson is so sweet. He is always saying "Tain too" (thank you), "weldum" (welcome), and my favorite "wud you" (love you). At night when we say our prayers Branson closes his eyes and folds his arms and it's hard not to cry. Brandon taught him do to do that. Brans reminds me so much of Brandon and I'm so lucky to have such great boys in my life. I know that if Branson is half the man his dad is he will achieve great things.

It's so amazing to me to see all the support from our families and friends. Everyday I break into tears because of comments posted, phone calls, and yes even texts. YOU keep us strong. I just want to tell my parents again (all four of em) THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. For sleepless nights with Brand and myself, chasing Branson, chasing Brandon, driving back and forth, wiping tears, and giving hugs. I wouldn't have been able to climb this mountain without the four of you. I love you with all my heart.

1 comment:

  1. Kassi--you have the biggest heart, no wonder you love so many people and they love you back! I think about your family alot and there's lots of love being sent your way from my house. I can just picture you chasing after Branson! Toddlers are so awesome! You and Brandon get better quick! You're both amazing!
