

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Day Seven - Saturday - Part Two

November 27, 2010:  Last night was one long lonely night.  Up and down, high then low.  What a ride this is.  The only guarantee we have is that the night eventually ends, and we are not in control. 

Brandon's morning sedation vacation had little change.  At rounds we discussed replacing the ET (breathing tube) with a tracheotomy and the feeding tube in his nose with a feeding tube in his abdomen. He had little motion and I am sure the resident physician was skeptical when I told him about yesterday's eye opening.  Brandon also has strep in his lungs and they are changing his antibiotic to help in eliminating it.  His breathing is quite raspy when he breathes in and out.

The Dr.s decided to let Brandon remain on vacation for a little longer to see if he would have any repeat of yesterday's unconfirmed eye opening.  Twenty to thirty minutes later Brandon began moving.  The doctor returned and asked Brandon to open his eyes. No response.  He stimulated with a little pain. No response.  He then asked Brandon to give his a thumbs up.  Brandon raised his index finger.  A bit surprised, the doctor repeated the request.  Brandon again raised his finger.  The resident drew every body's attention to Brandon's actions. He then responded to the request to open his eyes.  The nurse asked him to smile.  He did.  He was asked if he was in any pain.  He shook his head no.  I called Kassi and told her to hurry to the hospital.  He spent 20 or more minutes responding appropriately.  He kept reaching for my hand and rubbing it with his fingers.  He then pushed my hand back and then grabbed my finger and interlocked his with mine, rubbed my hand with his thumb and would not let go. 

My favorite reaction came after Kassi arrived.  She was holding his hand talking to him.  She told him she had brought some hunting magazines as was going to read them to him.  He laid there as a big grin spread across his face.  He acted appropriately until he was placed back on the Propofol for sedation. 

Needless to say, as the Propofol started taking effect, the resident commented, "Well based on this new response, I guess we will put the tracheotomy and feeding tube on hold at least until Monday."   

The respiratory therapist came to his room a few hours later and changed the ventilator to pressure assist.  Brandon did not have much reaction.  Slowly he began taking deeper and deeper breaths.  He is now breathing on his own at 40% oxygen and he is retaining his oxygen saturation at an acceptable level.

Bad night changes to GREAT day.  We now anticipate his next vacation and pray for a repeat performance and antibiotics to successfully rid his lungs of infection.  Thank all of you for asking Father to answer your prayers in Brandon's behalf.  May he continue to do so.

(I am still trying to attach video and pictures from my phone if I can find a cable.)

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to let you know that we are following Brandons recovery. We are amazed by the strength you have and the dedication you show to your family. We wish there was more that we could do to physically help. But please know that each of our prayers are filled with many "bless chief's" and "bless chief's boy".
