

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day Ten - Tuesday - Part Three

Brandon was moved onto the Physical Therapy Floor this morning. He is loving his new digs!  He has been standing up and even took a couple of steps with his old lady walker.  His nurse looked at him and said, "Welcome to Boot Camp!"  Brandon ate two pudding cups today and drank three cups of juice, but he's looking forward to eating a nice juicy steak real soon.

Brandon got to see Branson for the first time today.  He took him for a ride on his lap on the wheel chair coming back from his first therapy session.  Branson has been hanging out with his grandma Carlson, and he is really giving her a run for her money.  Kassi's parents have been taking care of Kassi and trying to get her to rest so she can heal.  She got to see Brandon tonight and he said he wanted to "watch a movie and chill."  He asked her to come lay her head on his chest.  Brandon says the funniest things.  He told Kassi, "Me and you, me and you; The door; We have $#!+ to do."

Kassi got him a stuffed horse a couple of days ago and he's been making it prance around on his bed.  We asked him what he wanted to name it and he said, "Disturbia or Kum bi yah".  He says it's a wimpy horse.

Brandon also got visits today from his brothers, Brad and Eric, and his sister, Aimee.  This accident has given us all a reason to pause and to reflect on our own lives and how we can better live our lives. His brothers are no different. They have made some mighty big promises when Brandon walks out of the hospital. When he does, I am going to have my camera ready!

All of Brandon's nurses and doctors are absolutely astonished by his recovery!  He really is an "almost walking" miracle!  There is a guy named David that was two doors down that was a hockey coach and had a ground level fall on the ice and is not doing well.  We are so lucky and I hope no one ever forgets that miracles really do happen and Heavenly Father had his hands in all things.  Thank you for yours prayers and your fasting and for all your love!  We love you all and we must tell you that Brandon's recovery is only one of the many miracles that are taking place from all of this.  Brandon has changed a countless number of lives for the better!  Never take your life for granted!  You could close your eyes for just one second and your life can be changed forever!   

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