

Monday, December 20, 2010

December 20, 2010 - Monday

     Hey this is Brandon.  It is very hard for me to type, but I'm doing it.  I want to say thank you to all those who have written; it means alot. I would like to thank all that care about us; it really does mean a lot to me.  I'm lucky to be here.  I'm happy to be sitting here and walking (lol) and talking. (lol)  I'm so gratefull that I'm here.  There is someone watching over us.  I don't know why, I'm far from perfect even though I try so hard to be. Anyway, I hope to talk to you soon and hope it's all spelled right. (lol)
For ever and ever,

Friday, December 17, 2010

Home - Day one - Friday

December 17, 2010 - Home once again!  Brandon, Kassi and Branson arrived home at about 8:30 pm Thursday night.  They had a couple of visitors right off the bat.  The Daley's saw them pull up and came over to welcome them home.  Patrick and Tyler came home after their basketball game and sat and talked for awhile.  Tom's parents also came over after watching the game.  It's so good to have them back! Everyone is excited to see them!

Their first day has been very busy!  They did get to sleep in a little bit, but shortly after getting up, they were visited by the Police Chief and a couple of others from the Hurricane Police Dept.  At first I was afraid they were here to impound Brandon's bullet-bike, but they just came to give them gift cards for Wal-Mart. The Chief said he and Brandon needed to have a talking match sometime.  If you know Brandon and Kassi at all, then you know that the gift cards are going to come in really handy!

After that, it was off to speech therapy in St George for an hour and a half.  Brandon said it was pretty boring, but he looked pretty tired afterward to me.

I took the baby with the intention of taking him into work with me for about an hour, but on the way I made a stop at The UPS Store to pick up a package.  Once done, we walked back to the car, but Branson wasn't ready to be back in his car seat quite yet and was fussing so I gave him my keys to calm him down while I buckled him up.  That did the trick; so I shut the door and walked around the car to get in, only to find that it was locked.  Well, he had the keys so I asked him to play with the buttons, which he happily did.  He had the trunk opening and the alarm going off and the doors re-locking over and over, but never once did he push the un-lock button.  Finally he was tired of that game and threw the keys on the floor.  With my hopes now dashed, I called uncle Gene, who arrived not long afterward and rescued us.  Branson rewarded him a kiss good-bye.

That little one keeps us on our toes at all times!  He is currently trying to play football with my stuffed Santa and Rudolf but still finding time to share his "sippy" with his babydoll.

After we picked Brandon, Kassi and Tom up from Speech, we took an outing to Adventure land Academy to visit Kassi's old stomping grounds. (Work)  It was a fun visit and Branson enjoyed seeing his friends also.

It was finally time to head home, but we had to make one more stop . . . In & Out Burger.  Brandon's favorite place to eat.  He and Kassi ate those burgers "like they had no feelings!"  That's what Kassi said. 

It sounds like a pretty full day, but it wasn't over yet.  We were off to Tyler's basketball game.  Brandon insisted on going and he did really well.  He got to visit with several people he knew and some he didn't know, but assured him that they had been praying for him.  It was really fun!  And yes, we won again.  Tyler had 9 points last night and 6 tonight. 

Kassi, Meg and Tom are off to Wal-Mart with the new gift cards and Brandon is conked out on the couch.  I sat down to read the blog tonight and then realized that there wasn't one.  Weird!!  Well now there is.  Thanks for checking! (all  those like me that got into this strange habit of reading a blog every day.) 

Have a great Christmas Season!


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day Twenty-six - Thursday

December 16, 2010 - I haven't heard yet exactly when Brandon and Kassi will be coming home, other than we are hoping it will be sometime today.  I wanted everyone to line the streets or have a big dinner celebration, but I was out-voted.  It's hard to contain my excitement!  However, I'm sure you'll all run into Brandon and Kassi and little Branson soon enough.  We can barely go a day without going to Wal-Mart, so I'm sure we'll see a few of you there.  It's going to take some time for all of them to re-adjust back into life and work.

It's been kind of nice to have the blog and we've been able to keep in touch with so many of our family and friends; so for those of you who would like to continue to check up on us now and then, I will keep the blog going for an undetermined period of time.  I will write an entry every Sunday and keep you posted on the continued progress. 

As many of you know, Kuhlmanns are generally pretty self-sufficient and it's not really in our nature to be on the receiving end of good deeds; we have much more fun giving than receiving.  However, there have been some rumors of a fund raiser, if it should become necessary.  So check back now and then and we will keep you up-dated.

I attended the annual Fire Dept. Christmas dinner last night.  What a great group of truly caring people who have dedicated their lives to helping and serving others!  I know Tom has felt very confident while he's been gone that they could handle anything they were faced with.  Thank you for taking over so that Tom could be with Brandon when he needed him the most.  You are all wonderful! 

The first night after the accident, Tyler (our 5th child) insisted that he stay home alone that night because he wanted to "pray and read his scriptures".  He shared a couple scriptures that touched his heart with me and  I'd like to share one of them with you.  It's in D&C 24:8.  "Be patient in afflictions, for thou shalt have many; but endue them, for, lo I am with thee, even unto the end of thy days"  What comforting words from a loving Savior to reassure us that he is there, and that everything will work out as it should.

We had Young Women's on Tuesday night and the theme for the year has been, "Be Strong and of Good Courage" which comes from Joshua 1:9, "Be strong and of a good courage, for the Lord thy God will be with thee withersoever thou goest." Brother Strom, (One of the Councilors in our Bishopric) shared a story with us from a book called "Defined by Christ" by Toni Sorenson.  The story was about a time Toni was young and found a gosling egg that had been separated from its nest.  She took the egg and kept it warm and rolled it and loved it and talked to it.  Then one day the gosling began to peck its way through the hard shell.  She watched as it would peck for awhile and then rest and then peck again.  She felt so bad for the little thing that she gently helped by removing the remaining shell of the egg.  Then as she held the tiny gosling in her hand, she watched as it took a breath and then another and then died in her hand.  She was heartbroken.  You see, she realized that without the struggle of emerging from the egg itself, the gosling would not be strong enough to survive. 

How difficult it must by for our Heavenly Father to know we must have these challenges in our lives, and yet he allows them because he knows they will  make us stronger.  We are not being punished, we are being given a trial of our faithFaith to know that He is there, and that He loves us, and that his hand is in all things!  And faith to see the miracles along the way.  I hope that our family has been faithful in this "bump" along our journey of life.  And of course we haven't forgotten that when Heavenly Father needs something done, he usually uses someone else to accomplish it for him.  Thank you, all you angels out there, that have helped us through a difficult time!

I am reminded of a quote from Howard W. Hunter's talk titled "The Real Christmas" in the Dec. 2005 Ensign- "If you desire to find the true spirit of Christmas and partake of the sweetness of it, let me make this suggestion to you.  During the hurry of the festive occasion of this Christmas season, find time to turn your heart to God.  Perhaps in the quiet hours, and in a quiet place, and on your knees--alone or with loved ones--give thanks for the good things that have come to you, and ask that His Spirit might dwell in you as you earnestly strive to serve Him and keep His commandments.  He will take you by the hand and His promises will be kept."  These are difficult times that we live in, but I hope that we can remember that our Savior came into this world to take upon himself our sins and how sad it must make him to see that even after he has suffered so much, that we still have a hard time forgiving eachother.  Forgiveness would be a wonderful Christmas gift to give to HIM this year.

My Love to all,

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day Twenty-five - Wednesday

December 15, 2010- For those of you die-hard fans that are still reading now that you know Brandon is coming home, (see yesterday's blog) please don't go quite yet.  I have a little unfinished business to address.  We have witnessed so many acts of kindness throughout the last 3 weeks and I know many of them will probably not get the recognition they deserve, and I also realize that there are several people that we are related to or that are in our ward that should have a street or a building somewhere named after them because of their kindness.  But a couple of things have happened in just the last couple of days that I'd like to share.

I walked into Adventure land Academy the other day and was brought to tears when I saw what Rosanne was doing for Brandon and Kassi.  She has a table set up and is selling little T-shirts, magnetic boards and several other items that she's made and is then donating the money to Brandon and Kassi.  This is the same cute girl that stayed with Kassi in the hospital that first night after the accident and gently combed the glass out of Kassi's hair.  We sure love her!

I got a phone call from the Hurricane Fire Dept. wanting to do something, so I let them come over on Saturday and help me prune the bushes in the yard in preparation for Christmas lights.  As many of you know, our yard is very daunting and it could easily consume any free-time we have.  They worked for several hours cutting, raking and even planting.  I hope they weren't as sore as I was the next day.  Thank you so much for your help!

The next day, Tom's sister, Kathy, and her hubby and their son and daughter-in-law, Chad & Becky, came and put up our Christmas lights in our freshly groomed yard.  They are beautiful and really helped to cheer us up!  Thanks guys!

I was dropping off something to the Bishop in our ward the other night and he invited me to come in.  We talked for a few minutes and then he handed me an envelope and told me that someone in our ward had asked that it be given to Brandon and Kassi anonymously.  Now to me, there are two types of gifts, monetary and physical.  Both of which require time and sometimes great sacrifice, especially during the Christmas Season when "time and money" are at a scarcity.  So, thank you, our little anonymous giver!  The monetary donations have helped out some with fuel expenses driving back and forth to the hospital and meals, but most of it has been set aside until we know where we stand after all of the bills have come in.  Last we checked, we had recieved about 1/2 of the bills for Brandon's first week and it was averaging around 10K/day with many more bills still to come.  We'll better know where we stand after we find out if they qualify for Medicaid.

When I was up on Sunday, Brandon was working on making a knit cap on one of the looms he was given.  He said he's going to start up a new business called "Handicapped Hats" to help pay for his bills.  Then he paused and added, "I'm going to have to make A LOT of hats!!"  (What a great kid!)  But then it was right after that, that he heard me say to his grandpa K, "He's right here, do you want to talk to him?"  And then when I looked down, he was pretending to be asleep.  (He was just kidding, of course.)

I also received a visit from our ward Relief Society Presidency yesterday.  They came by to see how we were doing and asked if there was anything they could do.  These ladies are the epitome of charity and kindness!  I know they would have done absolutely anything I would have asked, but the best gift was just getting a hug from each of them!  Even though many of you are going through some tough problems of your own right now, you still take the time to help and comfort others.  What great examples you are to us.

Now, for all of you kids out there that are reading this blog with your parents, if you've learned one thing, it's to wear your seat belt, right?  However, many of you don't know that I have a little brother that was hit by a car at age eight while riding his bike.  If he had been wearing a helmet, he probably would have only ended up with a broken femur.  Because he wasn't wearing a helmet, he ended up in a coma for 6 weeks and a very long rehabilitation.  Even Brandon told me just the other night that he and Kassi are going to start wearing helmets even when they drive.  (He said Branson won't have to because he'll be in his car seat.)  I just hope that all of you will "Be Smart" in everything you do.  Don't do stupid things and always play it safe!  We love you and wouldn't want any of you getting injured, especially unnecessarily.

Thanks again to everyone for all you've done!  Hopefully your spirits and testimonies have been strengthened, as have ours.  If our readers haven't been reading the comments on the blog, I encourage you to do so.  Many of them are very uplifting and inspirational.  Thank you to all who've left wonderful messages!  They've really helped us.

There is a song I listen to quite often by Delta Goodrem that I'd like to share.  She is an amazing story of courage and endurance.  You can google her story, I'm sure.  Here is the link:

Love to all!  


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day Twenty-Four - Tuesday

December 14, 2010:  The broken record continued ALL day today.  I'm bored, I want to go home.  I have been telling him for over a week that he needs to accomplish three things before we want him to go home; keep his balance while walking, have his ability to remember return, and correctly swallow liquids.  There were six things that made today different. 

First, Brandon answered all his daily questions this morning without any prompting and with 100% accuracy.  He woke up and started giving me the answers without my asking any questions. He also gave a detailed synopsis of Kassi's injuries to anyone who would listen.

Second, Brandon can remember everything that has happened since Saturday night. Not only does he remember, he remembers in great detail including names.

Third, He has been walking without assistance for over 24 hours, except for stairs. 

Forth, This is the third day he has remained awake all day long and sleeping all night long.

Fifth, He passed his swallow test and is now able to drink thickened liquids. 

Sixth, For the first time in twenty-four nights, he will be sleeping somewhere other than the hospital.  As of 4:12 this evening, Brandon was discharged from Intermountain Medical Center. 

We will be spending a few days adjusting to the outside world.  He has always been nervous around people he does not know.  He has been experiencing panic attacks when he is in a crowd.  I was impressed that the first time he started to panic, he put his head down, started breathing deeply and relaxed his way through the experience.  It has gotten better over the last two days.  We will be working on taking a few more small excursions and letting him re-acclimate to the outside world.

It is amazing how much of Brandon has returned to us.  He has spent most of his life proving he is able to beat the odds.  This experience is no difference.  We expected to be in the hospital for two to three months, with months of specialized rehab hoping to bring him home sometime next year. Twenty-four days and he is out of the hospital and into outpatient therapy. 

He still has some voice/swallowing challenges and right sided weakness.  Based on the last two days improvement, I expect that to improve rapidly.  He now smiles with both sides of his mouth and his right sided coordination is much improved.  He is able to care for all his own needs.  My remaining concern is that he has improved so quickly; he will try to do too much too soon. 

Nevertheless, he is out of the hospital and is working his way home where he will continue his treatment on an outpatient basis at Dixie Regional as we try and figure out how to pay for our half-a-million dollar man.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Day Twenty-Three - Monday

December 13, 2010:

by Kassi Kuhlmann:

  Today has been awesome; Brandon remembered most of yesterday (he says 85%). In occupational therapy he played 21 and did a magic trick for the therapist, nurse, and the doctor. Brandon and his dad spent some time in the R.V. today. The last two days he has been waking up before seven and staying awake till bed time. Before he had been taking at least four naps a day. From what I've seen it seems like the last two days Brandon is more aware in the later evening hours than usual. Usually by seven o'clock Brandon gets confused and talks "crazy" as Brad says.

 Last night on the way home Brandon called me five times in twenty minutes. He is getting back to his worrisome self "Hey are you home yet ?, okay call me when you do." Tonight he keeps telling Brad and me that he's scared we are going to get hit by a car so he's not going to sleep till we get home. That's the thing about Brand is that he is always so concerned with everyone else. Since day one that he's been awake he tries sharing his food, his ice, his bed, his blankets. He keeps telling his nurses " I wanna go home and take care of my wife, she's broken." He also says that he needs to go home "to whip Branson into shape." Hooray for two-year-olds! Branson is definitely taking advantage of my broken leg, but leg's heal and I'll catch him one of these days. I cannot believe how much Brans has grown in the last three weeks. Despite the temper tantrums he throws Branson is so sweet. He is always saying "Tain too" (thank you), "weldum" (welcome), and my favorite "wud you" (love you). At night when we say our prayers Branson closes his eyes and folds his arms and it's hard not to cry. Brandon taught him do to do that. Brans reminds me so much of Brandon and I'm so lucky to have such great boys in my life. I know that if Branson is half the man his dad is he will achieve great things.

It's so amazing to me to see all the support from our families and friends. Everyday I break into tears because of comments posted, phone calls, and yes even texts. YOU keep us strong. I just want to tell my parents again (all four of em) THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. For sleepless nights with Brand and myself, chasing Branson, chasing Brandon, driving back and forth, wiping tears, and giving hugs. I wouldn't have been able to climb this mountain without the four of you. I love you with all my heart.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day Twenty-Two - Sunday

By Brad

December 12, 2010: Three weeks in and what a change from day one. Brandon woke up on his own today at 6:40, the time he normally wakes up at home to go to work.  He was awake and eagerly waiting for dad to come to his room from the RV.  He was excited for the family to be here today. 

His PT today went well.  He had time on the bike and tilting balance beam.  Never a day off.  Each day he gets better.  His balance is almost back to normal.  I was impressed at how well he walked the beam and threw the ball.  His endurance is also getting better.  He was able to keep the reps up on the bike for 15 minutes.

Today was family day. Brandon had visitors from both sides of his family. Everyone came up because we got permission to have Brandon out for the day. He had lunch with his family in the RV in the parking lot. That went very well. Lots of laughs and jokes from Brandon. Then the plan was to have a day at Temple Square.  

On the drive over Brandon seemed great.  Problem was that he was texting while riding in the car. Once he was out he started to complain of feeling sick. After a half hour sitting down trying to help him relax he had enough. Tom, Kassi, and Brandon went back to the RV at the hospital while the rest of us stayed to enjoy as much as we could with out the three that had to leave.

We returned to the hospital for dinner. Brandon wants to leave the hospital - NOW. That is about the story of the day. "I'm bored" and "Lets go home" are his favorite words now. "Take me to grandpa's." The biggest achievement today is that Brandon has been awake since 6:40 this morning and is still awake at 9:00 PM.  He keeps making jokes and is so funny its hard to explain. Anyway, he wants some ice cream before bed so we need to go. Hope we can just walk to our kitchen at home and get it for him soon.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day Twenty-One - Saturday - Part Two

December 11, 2010: Today marks three weeks.  I would like to report on a major event today and say we're on our way home.  Not yet.  The excitement is coming from small increases in memory and a definite increase in use of Brandon's vocal cords. He has been more alert the last couple of days then the entire previous three weeks.  With his increased alertness has come constant conversation. Some reminiscent, some imaginary, some inquiry, and all of it constant.  It ends when he takes a nap.

His eyes light up and he gets excited when you tell him family is coming to visit.  He keeps asking when they will be here.  He can't wait to spend time out of the hospital tomorrow.  I told him Leanne his brother's and sister would come up tonight after Tyler's basketball game.  Brandon was concerned and said they should wait until morning because "No one should have to go through what I am going through." He is excited to see them and nervous at the same time. 

Day Twenty-One - Saturday

December 11, 2010: Close call.  Kassi's trip to the ER confirmed what we already knew, she has a broken collar bone that has been aggravated by Branson pulling on her left arm while being a two-year-old. Her re-injury was limited to excruciating pain and some torn scar tissue.  Her skin over the break actually looks better today than yesterday.  The skin is not as tight and the color and circulation has returned to the area.

Brandon is more convinced than yesterday that he needs to go home.  He told me this morning that he would get smarter in Hurricane than here.  He said here all there is a wall and a white board to look at.  In Hurricane he could see things and go "Hey look there's a car, or a train or a truck."  "Here there is nothing."  Every time someone comes in and asks if he needs anything he says "Ya, I need to go home."

He is excited to have Kassi visiting again today.  She says she is not in any pain.  However, based on her pale complexion and the fact that she keeps visiting the bathroom to vomit, she must not feel as well as she is trying to convince herself she feels. She brought a lot of things for Brandon to do to help break up the monotony.  He also keeps asking when Leanne and the other children are going to get here.  The plan is for a family day tomorrow - AWAY FROM THE HOSPITAL. I cannot explain how excited he is to get away from here for awhile.  I just hope we can get him back in once he gets to go outside for an extended period. 

Friday, December 10, 2010

Last One for Friday

by Aimee

Ryan and I went and saw Brandon tonight. I spent some time with him on Tuesday and was blown away by the change I saw from then to tonight. He is almost himself again! We had a lot of fun reminiscing about our childhood, talking about Christmas, and all the normal things you would talk about with your siblings. He is ever the comedian and we laughed almost the whole time we were there. We hadn't eaten dinner so we decided to take a trip to the cafeteria. It was nice to be out of the room in a more casual environment. It was hard to leave, but we are excited to go back Sunday and have a family day with him and hopefully be able to leave the hospital.

As Ry and I were driving home we were talking about how much this experience has put things in perspective and strengthened our testimonies. Brandon has always been a fighter and I know that his persistence helps; but you can still see God's hand in all of this. I am so grateful for the miracle we are seeing through Brandon and the amazing progress he is making!

Day Twenty - Friday - Part Two

December 10, 2010: Brandon came back from physical therapy today walking all by himself.  The therapist was two steps behind him watching him as he walked balanced.  He has really struggled with being confined to the hospital today.  There have been several periods of withdrawal and depression.  He wants out very badly.  He did so well in PT that I convinced them he really needed to get out of the hospital for awhile, and we were given permission to make a break for it and head to COSTCO. He got a little dizzy when cars started driving by in the opposite direction.  He kept moving forward and walked quite a distance. Overall we covered around 1 1/4 mile. 

Brandon has never been one for crowds.  His time in COSTCO was no different.  We spent 35-40 minutes there.  We walked around the store for 5-10 minutes then sat at the food court and had a treat.  There Brandon could put his head on the table, breathe deeply and practice relaxing. He had a similar response and anxiety when we went to the gift shop on one of his occupational therapy sessions.  He handled both of them well by realizing he was getting anxious and by practicing relaxation techniques.  I was impressed by how he covered so much physical and emotional ground today.

Brandon just asked what I was doing.  I told him I was writing the post for this evening.  He told me to write that he "loves Kassi" and he "loves everyone" and wants to "thank everyone for what they are doing for him." "Tell everyone goodnight."  So with that, Good night everyone.

Not so fast.  Kassi just sent me a text.  She is on her way to the hospital.  Her collar bone popped again is very tight against her skin and the area around the break is turning blue.  As you can imagine, she is as emotionally distraught as she is in pain.  She had planned on spending the day with Brandon tomorrow and was getting ready to come up early.  Knowing her, she will continue to push through it and be here in the morning, pain or no pain.

Day Twenty - Friday

December 10, 2010: Brandon woke this morning complaining that all his trainer cared about was winning.  He was tired of being pushed so hard to win.  He didn't want to fight anymore.  He said he hated boxing and would not do it anymore.  I am not sure where that memory comes from.  I think it does show us how frustrated he is.

He is tired of trying so hard and falling short of being able to go home.  His spirits seem to sink a little further each day.  He wants to go home and has come to the point of tears when he is told, not yet.  He is getting there, just not as fast as he would like.  We talked about what he needs to accomplish in order to go home; improve his memory, gain his balance and swallow water.  He keeps repeating them over and over promising to work as hard as he can on them today so he can go home.

His discharge day should be sometime next week if he continues his current rate of improvement.  His memory continues to improve.  Some days it comes in large advances.  Some days he suffers a slight regression.  Other days there are small improvements.  Over all he continues to move forward with longer periods of remembering occurring each day.  His balance is almost perfect.  He has continual balance interspersed with moments imbalance.  I really think by next week balance will not be an issue.  Swallowing on the other hand remains the challenge.

Brandon did not pass his swallow test.  The radiologist said he is struggling with coordination.  The liquids retain their tendency to go down the trachea toward the lungs rather than through the esophagus to the stomach.  Part of this may be directly related to Brandon pulling out his own breathing tube. His vocal cords most likely remain swollen and are unable to close along with the lack of coordination with his epiglottis.  He is unable to retain the water in the back of his throat while he prepares to swallow.  It simply runs down his airway.

The plan is to be patient, allow things to heal and pray for the coordination to return.  Brandon and I will be concentrating our efforts for the next several days on learning to breathe properly, eating slower, forming words and being patient.  The swallowing is expected to eventually return on its own.  We will need to discuss home care options for liquids if he cannot negotiate them on his own prior to discharge.  I am not too excited about the options based on his tolerance level for a feeding tube, irrespective of its location.  Anything short of drinking on his own will be a struggle. 

We continue to be spoiled throughout this entire process.  Twenty days ago we would have been content, if not ecstatic, with Brandon and Kassi surviving the accident.  Our fasting, prayers, and priesthood blessing were answered.  We continued in prayer asking that Kassi's surgery would be successful and that Brandon would simply regaining consciousness.  Kassi tolerated the surgery and injuries with no complaint.  Brandon regained consciousness faster than our wildest dreams.  We continued to fast and pray for Brandon's memory to return and Kassi to heal. Brandon's memory has been returning in spurts and with greater detail than I have ever experienced.  It continues to improve and stay resident for longer periods each day.  Kassi walked out of the hospital and has yet to slow down. The spoiling continued as we asked for Brandon to be able to fully function physically.  He started to sit, walk, bounce a ball, go to the bathroom, brush his teeth, shower, feed himself, and regain his strength.  Blessing, prayer and fasting once again answered. 

As spoiled children are apt to do, we now fast and pray for Brandon and Kassi's full recovery, void of any disability.  Based on the miracles, large and small, we witness on a daily basis, we have come to expect nothing less. Brandon continues to exceed anyone's expectations.  If he were to awake from his nap with full memory and without any physical deficiencies, none of us would be surprised.  I cannot properly express the gratitude we have for everyone who continues to pray for Brandon and Kassi.  While the two of them may disagree with me, the price our family has been asked to pay for this experience has been worth the price.  It is not every day we take the time to stop and witness God's hand in all aspects of our lives, then give Him the respect and reverence He deserves.  We continue to be extremely blessed.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Day Nineteen - Thursday - Part Two

December 9, 2010:
By Kassi Kuhlmann
 Today was so fun !!!!! I haven't been able to make it up earlier in the day since last week and that's usually when Brand is more lucid. Most of the day was spent laughing with Brandon picking on me, calling me names like "cripple and dwarf ". We talked about the car accident today and I showed him my "battle wounds". Brandon cringed and jokingly said (I hope) "I need to find a wife that is clean" (talking about my scars) and laughed. He is such a goof !! Brandon has kept Brad and I in tears all day and I'm so grateful that they are tears of happiness that come from his jokes. I was so excited to hear that he remembered the visit from Branson, my mom and me two nights ago. It's so awesome that his short term memory is coming back.

 Brand and I spent some time by ourselves this afternoon and talked about the accident and I couldn't believe my ears. Brandon told me that he remembers seeing me fly out the window and he was so sad because he thought I had died. Brand also told me that he remembers seeing his grandpa Kuhlmann in Valley View Hospital. And he remebers his dad giving him a blessing and flying up north. He told me that he was pretending to be asleep when our dads were talking in the I.C.U about how Brandon and I wouldn't survive without each other. I cant wait to see how many other memories come back.

 Tom says I HAVE to say something about my progress. I can walk. The end. lol.  The hardest thing that I deal with is missing my husband, it's sad waking up every morning and not seeing his face.

Today during P.T. Brandon and Brad bounced the ball back and forth while walking through the halls. I love watching how strong brotherhood is and how much Brad loves his little brother.  It's awesome to hear all the praise from the nurses about how amazing he is. Brandon also worked with money today during occupational therapy and he did SO SO SO GOOD !!!! I sure am glad that he has always been good with money because I am not and I now know that nothing will change.

 I found out today that Brandon and I were considered clinically dead at the scene, and I think it has finally sunk in how serious it was. It's funny how my outlook on life has changed and it took almost dying to realize how precious life is. I almost lost my life and the love of my life ( I know it sounds so corny but so true, I'm a romantic). I know that I will never leave the house without telling my family that I love them and give hugs and kisses. We never know when our last chance will be. I hope that everyone who has heard our story will remember that life is short and to spend it like every day is the last one. I'm not sure why we were saved, but I cant wait to find out. It's not coincidence, it's not luck, It was our Heavenly Father who saved us. Brand told me today that he talked to God and that he told Brandon he needed to marry me in the temple so we could go to the Celestial Kingdom. Maybe that's why. I cannot express how hard that hit home. I cannot wait for that day when we will be able to take our son to the temple and be a family that is forever.

  Thank you for the prayers and faith. Our Father in heaven is listening and answering.

Day Nineteen - Thursday

December 9, 2010: What a night.  Last night Brandon told me I needed to stay in his room or he would not sleep.  I wish I could say it was a restful night. Once again, I had to continually remind the staff to use their inside voices.  I finally gave up on sleep, sat by his bedside and closed the door leaving all the staff outside. 

Once I closed the door, leaving the aide to sit outside and talk 'till his hearts content, Brandon slept peacefully the rest of the night.  The aide last night sat in the room with the door closed and Brandon slept without a stir.  Today's nurse is going to try and reinforce the fact that the aide should be in the room, being quiet, with the door closed.

Right now Brandon is stressing over his swallow test.  He is showing some signs of being depressed.  He wants out. His favorite opening line to a new visitor is, "I am so bored, I need out of here now."  He told the therapist that he is sad because other people have to be here with him rather than being with family or his being there helping them. Jason should be helping with Nathan’s home, the therapist should be spending time with her children not with him, and people should be doing other things rather than being with him. He started today by telling me he needed to be out of here and at home taking care of his wife and providing for his son.  More awareness today and more to come. 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day Eighteen - Wednesday - Part Three

December 8, 2010:  I told Brandon I needed to write an entry for tonight and he told me, what to write.

"I am here with my son, we're having fun. We're having a fun time.  He gets to talk to Kassi soon, hopefully she is awake. Me and my dad are hanging out.  We wanted to go to COSCO but they wouldn't let us. Therapy wasn't too bad.  I went on a walk to the Women's Center.  Holy cow, it wasn't as bad as I thought." - Brandon

Brandon's day is ending as it began, pretty amazing.  Today he has been lucid most of the day.  He has had periods of rambling and some confusion after his nap, overall he has been mostly here.  He has been studying for his swallow test.  This is a big one.  He has been able to eat food for days, but has not been allowed to drink liquids.  If he passes the test, he will be allowed to drink.  This is one of our discharge benchmarks.  He is practicing breathing with his diaphragm and swallowing even as I type this. 

The brain injury has Brandon needing to re-learn the basic things we take for granted; walking, talking, eating, drinking, etc.  He also needs to re-learn how to do them in the correct order.  This is referred to as sequencing, (first underwear, then pants.)  He did amazingly well with orientation to place, date and purpose several times today.  He also flew through an association test; hot-cold, light-dark, etc.  He was stumped, as I was, when after light and dark, she did black for white, followed by cream.  I thought cream, what color is the opposite of cream?  It took me awhile to realize she was referring to the liquid and most likely wanted strawberries or peaches.  I think both of us got the rest of them correct.

It is even more enjoyable to watch the response of the staff if you know Brandon and his personality.  One of the therapists today was asking questions that show his thought process.  "What are anchors made of?" "Name something that is wet?" She kept asking questions about water and lakes.  She then said something about ducks and then asked about something that expires and moldy bread came up.  It didn't take long to confuse the therapist as Brandon went on and on about moldy bread and water. If you know my wife you know that stale or moldy bread always means a trip to the river or lake to feed the ducks.  Not what she was looking for, but definitely an indicator that Brandon's memory is still there, a little scrambled still, but there.

Day Eighteen - Wednesday - Part Two

December 8, 2010: Brandon had a restful - full night sleep. He went to bed last night complaining of being dizzy and his temp was up slightly.  He has been clearing his throat and coughing quite a bit the last day or two.  He woke this morning complaining that his neck hurt.  Then he said, "I slept on it wrong."  His temp and dizziness is gone.  It is exciting to see him become aware of minor aches and pains as his awareness expands.

He remembered that he had to be oriented to date, place and purpose to be discharged.  First thing this morning without prompting, told us it was Wednesday, December 8, 2010 and that he was at IMC in Murray, Utah.  "I am so bored, I want to go home." 

He continued to entertain when the doctor and therapists came to visit.  He teases them to the point of their thinking he is off balance or confused, then comes the big grin and he stands up straight or gives the correct answer and tells them, "I was just kidding."  One of the nurses was walking by his door.  Brandon called to her and said, "I am done." She asked what he was done with and he said, "I am done being here." "I am so sick of being here, I need to go home."

His balance, memory, and personality are off to a great start today.  He has the entire staff in laughter and beaming at his progress.  It is fun to be the proud father walking behind him in the hall listening to the astonished staff and all the side comments of how they are impressed with his progress. We'll see how he does after another fun filled action packed day.

Day Eighteen - Wednesday - Part One

December 8, 2010  I was looking back at the blog yesterday to exactly one week ago on Brandon's progress, and I am still truly amazed at how much he has improved.  To think that just over a little more that a week ago he was just starting to open his eyes!  And now look at him, begging to come home!  What a great miracle we have all witnessed!

I know that many families have made reading the blog a nightly event and I am so grateful for you letting us into your homes everyday.  (We apologize for the occasional swear word in front of the kids.)  I heard a story from Sister Daley across the street that I would like to share with you.  They had been praying for Brandon and reading the blog as a family after the accident.  Then one day her littlest boy, Dawson, came up to her and said that he had been praying for Brandon he knew Brandon was going to be okay.  She asked him how he knew that, and he said that Jesus told him.  What great faith these little children have!

I was also talking to the councilor at Hurricane Elementary who has been visiting with Matt and Chandler through all of this, and he said that as he was talking to Chandler one day, that he had mentioned that he was fasting that day and was afraid to go to lunch because he was worried he might be tempted to eat.  So the councilor let Chandler come into his office and hang out until lunch was over.  The councilor told me that he was so impressed by this.

It was Matthew who really held me together that first week.  He kept telling me over and over that Brandon would be okay.  I was also buoyed up by Tom's priesthood blessing that he gave Brandon in the ER the day of the accident.  He said that he saw Brandon walking through the door.  These small things have kept my faith strong, especially while Brandon was still "sleeping".

I think of all the prayers and all the fasts that have been held for Brandon, and it's no wonder he is doing so well.  We held two extended family fasts for him, which I would like to thank everyone for.  Our son Brad fasted 3 times that first week that Brandon was in Shock Trauma.  My poor kids are so exhausted!  My three oldest slept on the floor at the hospital along with Tom that first week and are coming up almost every day from Orem to visit him.  It has changed all of us forever in a very good way.

Today is David's funeral.  (He was two doors down from Brandon in Shock Trauma.)  Our hearts and prayers go out to his wife and family.  It breaks my heart to know what they are enduring during this usually happy Christmas season.  My feelilngs come very close to the surface and it makes me contemplate that it could have just as easily have been us.  We are so blessed!

People keep asking what they can do to help, but really we are doing great!  The prayers, love and concern have been all that we've needed.  Thank you everyone for your comments on the blog; these help us a lot and they have all been really sweet.  My gratitude is overwhelming for all that has been done.  We love you all!   -Leanne

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Day Seventeen - Tuesday

December 7, 2010:  A new day, a new record.  Each day brings overall improvement.  The positives usually out score the backward slide giving some overall progress.  Today it was physical improvement. Brandon walked four flights of stairs and from one end of this sprawling complex to the other. He also exhibited a great deal of improvement in his balance.  He came back from PT exhausted.  His recollection of events was not as sharp today as yesterday, yet he usually has more overall moments of remembering than the previous day.

I have noticed that when he takes his daytime naps, he is waking up confused and disoriented.  He doesn't seem to have that problem in the morning, just the daytime naps.  I am not sure if he is waking during REM sleep and it is taking awhile to re-orient his brain to reality or if the oxygen level to his brain is decreasing through apnea. Definitely something to watch over the next few days.

Kassi, Branson and Kim came to visit again.  You don't have to watch Kassi for very long to realize she remains in a fair amount of pain, from head to toe, and has quite a bit of healing to do. I hope she saved some strength and recovery for therapy tomorrow.  It is painful, as you could imagine, to bend her knee and her ribs and collar bone continue to ache.  It is tough to find a position of comfort to relax, sit, stand or sleep when there aren't any areas of your body that don't hurt.

With remembering comes the need for emotional healing.  Tonight Brandon kept apologizing to Kassi for getting in an accident.  He will need a fair amount of emotional healing based on some of his memories about the accident and the actions when he realizes what happened.

A dad could not be more proud of his son.  The tender way in which he treats others, teases with them, and shows concern for their well being while dealing with his own challenges is a great example of the man he really is.  It is good to see so much of him in there and we are always excited when more of him comes out.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Day Sixteen - Monday - Part Three

December 6, 2010:  What a tremendous day.  Brandon has been hovering around a seven on his post traumatic amnesia scale.  Today he was a 23.  He increased three times his previous score in one day.  There remains a distance to go but it has been great progress today. 

I believe the most touching part of his remembering today was that he remembered he was in an accident and was the driver.  He exhibited a great deal of concern.  He kept saying, "Can you believe that" over and over.  He felt true concern for everyone who was in the car with him and wanted to make sure they were alive and well.  He called Megan to make sure she was alright and to apologize for getting her into an accident. Kassi was in therapy when he called.  When Kassi came to visit it was touching to watch him. 

He had been alert most of the day.  He took a nap prior to Kassi coming to visit.  She spent a good portion of the day getting her workout in physical therapy.  She said she kept sending signals to her leg, but it did not want to respond. She also still has some neuropathy in two fingers in her right hand. She arrived pretty beat and tired. 

If you haven’t experienced broken ribs and a broken collar bone, I can tell you from personal experience, it is miserable.  It is almost impossible to find a position of comfort and by nighttime, you dread getting into bed and experiencing another painful attempt at sleep.

When Brandon woke from his nap he was confused and counting.  He counts, correctly I might add, when he has become agitated or simply worn out for the day. His eyes lit up and he responded much better when Kassi, Branson and Kim came in the room.  He talked and talked and talked.  After awhile he started to become more and more quiet.  Kassi finally had to leave while she had the energy to get home. 

After Kassi left, Brandon kept telling me to be quiet and pulled the covers over his head.  He even wanted to lock the doors.  He kept saying “Shhh” and with every noise asked if it was Kassi.  Every time there was a noise in the hall he would pull the covers over his head and pretend he was asleep.  He was overly concerned that he had injured her and needed some time to deal with the emotion of it.  As with all things, there is good and bad with remembering.  He kept saying, "Holy cow," "I don't know," and "Oh my." 

He had a full day of therapy.  He climbed two flights of stairs with his therapists, passed a basketball back and forth while walking, and then kicked a soccer ball while walking around the halls later this afternoon. When he came back from his second round of PT he kept telling me how out of shape he is and that he had never worked so hard.  He devoured everything fed to him and had me go to COSTCO to get muffins. 

This evening he once again became very lucid.  His eyes lit up as he Skyped with his brothers and sisters in Hurricane.  He teased and talked with each of them.  When we hung up he kept saying, "I've got to get out of here," "I want to go home."

And home we hope for.  Today has given everyone more confidence that he will go home and return to a full and productive life.  The doctor believes that he will be out of here in 5 to 10 days. We are hoping his memory will continue to improve and that with the improvement he will be able to deal with the psychological impacts that come with it.  His voice is becoming stronger and he is swallowing much better. I hope for another swallow test on Wednesday - one that he will pass.  I am confident that by Friday, he will either be walking unassisted or we will all be worn out by his efforts.

Thank you again for your continued prayers and fasting. It is amazing the strides he makes the day after his loved ones fast for him to improve.  We are grateful for all you angels and miracle workers who are petitioning in his behalf and for a loving Father and Savior that make this all bearable. 

The next miracle I pray for is a nurse and staff that is able to do their work with their inside voices and stop waking Brandon up every time they enter the room to give him something to help him sleep.

Day Sixteen - Monday - Part Two

December 6, 2010: Breaking News. I walked into Brandon’s room this morning and he looked at me and said, “Do you know what happened?” “I just found out yesterday that I was in an accident.”  He had his first major unprompted accurate memory. It was another simple yet great step in the healing process.  With it has come a flood of purposeful questions and statements, including, I can’t believe I didn’t wear my seatbelt.  The memories still don’t last forever, but he is having them along with longer lucid moments.

In occupational therapy he remembered without prompting the therapist’s name, he told her he was in IMC in Murray. His eyes are tracking properly.  He is reading from the white board, identify unsafe conditions in the kitchen, and was able to tell the therapist that he was in an accident.  He carried on a conversation for some time with the occupational therapist.  His next major step will be obtaining continuity and sequencing. 
  Now it’s off to speech therapy and another full day of activity.  We’ll see how long his brain will be able to keep up this morning.

Day Sixteen - Monday - Part One

 December 6, 2010:  Hi, this is Leanne.  I couldn't sleep and as I lay there, thoughts kept running through my head, so I decided I better write them down while I have the time.

Even though this site is dedicated to Brandon and Kassi, Brandon seems to have gotten most of the attention because he was the most critically injured.  However, we don't want to over-look Kassi and Branson and the progress that they have been making as well. 

Kassi begins physical therapy today in Pleasant Grove.  Her leg cramps up in the middle of the night and she has a hard time straightening it.  Her broken ribs and collarbone are still killing her.  She usually goes home from visiting Brandon exhausted and emotionally distraught because she has to leave him.  He hugs her so much while she is there that she goes home hurting pretty bad.  She wishes she could stay there with him 24/7, but we continually remind her that she has to get better herself before she can be of any help to Brandon.  She bore her testimony on Sunday in her old home ward in Pleasant Grove and moved the congregation to tears.  She said she hasn't bore her testimony since she was 14 years old.  We are so proud of her and her dedication to her husband and son.  We couldn't ask for a better daughter-in-law!  Brandon is really lucky.

Branson, on the other hand, has all the energy in the world and is enjoying his visit with his Grandma and Grandpa Carlson and playing with Kassi's little brothers.  One of his favorite things to do in throw all the pillows on the floor in front of the couch and then do front flips into them.  The only explanation for why he didn't get a bump or a bruise or a scratch in that accident could only be because he was protected by Angels.  Every item was thrown from that truck and all but 2 windows were broken.  There was glass and jacks and tire irons flying everywhere.  It is surely a miracle that he was unharmed in any way!

Everyone has told us that we must be exhausted, and we are.  However, being with Brandon has been very therapeutic.  He cracks jokes and makes us laugh every single minute we are with him.  As a matter of fact, most people who suffer Brain Injuries have a tendency to display moments of anger and rage.  We saw another patient display this behavior in the hall just the other day.  He picked up a vitals machine and throw it to the floor over and over again.  However, Brandon seems to be quite the opposite. (Not that he doesn't get frustrated now and then.)  But the other day, he had his arms wrapped around a nurse's shoulders and mine as he was coming out of the bathroom and all of the sudden he stopped and gave the nurse and me each a kiss on the top of our heads.

Yesterday, he went to sit up straighter in bed and his "Homey NA", Tyler, jumped up.  (which has been the normal response for all of us since he started walking)  Brandon looked at him and said, "Whoa, whoa."  Then Brandon gave his brother Ty a quick wink as if to say, "watch this" and then Brandon moved again really fast and the NA jumped again, to which Brandon said, "Just kidding."  (You saw a picture of Tyler in yesterday's post.)

The other night when we all went down to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat Brandon and the nurse came with us.  They still are not allowing him to drink fluids of any kind so he is still really thirsty all of the time.  So when Brad left his drink sitting on the table unattended the other day, Brandon inched his hand toward the drink and then quickly grabbed it.  His nurse had to pry it out of his hand.  Right before that, he had confused the pepper shaker sitting on the table with his cup of ice and started to shake the pepper into his mouth.  He just makes us laugh all day long!

Yesterday as he was eagerly scarfing down his food at lunchtime, he decide that he would put his chicken and rice in with his vanilla pudding and eat it that way.  Yuk!  However, now we have a great idea as to what to make him when he gets back home.

He seems to have this fascination with gadgets. (Must take after his dad.)  For example, several days ago when his mind was still a little confused, he tried to get hot chocolate out of the CD player and ice from under his bed.  Then I caught him trying to scan his pillows under the IV monitor.  We shouldn't laugh at him, but still, you have to admit that it's pretty funny.

Back on the home front in Hurricane, the remaining family has been well taken care of.  Many people have brought over flowers, cards and treats.  One day a pumpkin pie with whipped cream was doorbell-ditched on our doorstep.  Sister Daley has brought hot, delicious meals over several times.  (Even though a Kuhlmann could live off of just PB&Js for a very long time.)  The other fun thing was to come home to an immaculately groomed lawn.  One of the Hurricane firefighters came over while we were gone and did the lawn.  I heard that he had just beat the rest of the Fire department to it.  Thanks!

My mom, brother and sister were also here at the house yesterday when I got home from Murry with a nice home-cooked meal.  It was nice not to have to come home to a very quiet house now that Brandon, Kassi and Branson aren't here.  Thanks mom!

I have to admit that after I walked in the door and realized that my Fall and Thanksgiving decorations were still up, I started to cry a little.  I can't believe that it is December 6th and I don't have one Christmas decoration up.  Christmas is the furthest thing from my thoughts right now, which is okay.  We have always been so blessed and all that really matters to me is that we spend it as a family.  Christmas is my favorite time of year!  I love that we have the opportunity to celebrate the birth of our Savior.  And it couldn't come at a better time of year; It helps to break up the cold, dreary Winter months.  This Christmas and every Christmas after this one will be very different.  I have truly learned that it isn't so much what you get or give for Christmas, but rather what you do.  I think my priorities will always be just a little different from now on.  Love to all, Leanne

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day Fifteen - Sunday

December 5, 2010:

Today we reached the two week mark.  Kassi and Brandon are much more mobile than they were days ago, let alone two weeks ago.  Everyone has come so far in the last two weeks.  We have reached the stretch when everyone is exhausted, bored and ready for a change.  And change we get everyday.

The most common comment we seem to get is that  Brandon is far ahead of where he should be and to be patient.  I can't believe the changes from last night to today.  Brandon took me for a walk last night.  He was walking with his best impression of a question mark.  Today he walked too many laps to count, standing upright and minimal foot drag.  His voice and swallowing gets stronger every day. His personality is returning and he loves to do something to get a reaction from people followed by a big grin and a laugh.

His short term memory still has a way to go.  I walked in this afternoon after helping Leanne pack things in the car and he said, "Well look whose here."  I asked how long I was gone and he said "Like three months."  He wanted to watch football and take walks all day.  It is obvious that he knows there are several things he still can't do quite right.  He got frustrated when he colored outside the lines, wanted to walk faster than we would allow him and still insists that he be allowed to get around by himself. 

He got tried of his feeding tube last night about 11:30, dug deep into his nose and removed most of it.  The nursing staff removed the rest.  I told him that he needed to leave it in place until Monday.  He said "They lie."  "They told me I could have it out if I ate and they left it in."  He is so insistent that it not be replaced he ate EVERYTHING we put in front of him today.  He has been able to consistently eat 3,000 calories the last two days.

At 6:00 this morning he decided he could get out of bed this morning all by himself and make it to the bathroom.  He only made it from the edge of the bed to the floor.  He caught his nose and forehead on the edge of a chair.  It appears he got away with nothing more than a short lived nose bleed and a small headache.

Brandon also took a trip to church services this morning, or as he called it, "Fake" church. (because it is only a half hour long.)  He enjoys getting out of his room when he can.  But honestly I think his biggest reason for going was to take the sacrament water.  He got about half of it down before the theripist grabbed his hand and stopped him.  He also found the hymn page (208) and sang.  He said that's the first time he's ever sang in church.  We came up with the top ten reasons attending church at the hospital is better than a regular ward:

10:  Compared to your birthday suit a hospital gown is Sunday best.

9:    Everyone is so eager to get out of their room no one complains; "Do I really have to go to church."

8:    Free pick up and delivery service - wheelchair from room to meeting.

7:    The speakers are afraid if they talk too long they really may bore you to death.

6:    You can actively and regularly attend meetings without having to worry about being called as Scout Master.

5:   When everyone has a Foley catheter you don't have to worry about the kids taking five bathroom breaks. 

4:   People are so grateful you can make any kind of noise they don't care if you can't sing a note

3:  You don't have to be a high priest to take a nap.  Everyone thinks it's medication related.

2:  Consolidated meeting block - 30 minutes start to finish.

1:  Compared to being tied to your bed for two weeks, the high council talk really isn't that bad.

By evening Brandon's brain had had enough.  He becomes harder to understand and his actions become more random.  He is obsessed with his bedding and the bathroom.  I think he realizes he needs to do something before bed, he is not quite sure what that is.  Each day it is better and he is infinitely much further along than initially expected. 

We are excited to see what tomorrow will bring.  Some may think we are making a big deal over such small things.  Several small things combine to make a big thing; a toe wiggle to a leg move, to a thumbs up, to an eye opening, to a mouthed noise, to a word, to a sentence, to a legible sentence, to a question, to walking, to Brandon kidding around and pulling our legs, to hopefully swallowing water soon, remembering what happened yesterday, ten minutes ago, being discharged and walking into the house and back into his life.  All thanks to prayer, fasting and great medical care.  It is great to live a daily miracle.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Day Fourteen - Saturday - Part two

December 4, 2010

I think Brandon has the whole floor exhausted!!  We don't take him for walks anymore, he takes us.  I knew from the moment he got up to go to the bathroom this morning that we were in trouble.  We couldn't keep him busy enough.  He has been outside on walks, tossing and kicking balls, he even did some ball-room dancing with his physical therapist.  After all that, he and Kassi went down to the basement floor and had a wheelchair race.  After his last session, he came back and took a second shower to rinse off and de-stress.  It is now 3:30 and he is finally resting peacefully.  (Except for the occasional talking in his sleep, which he has always done.)  Kassi, Eric and Amber have been with him all day, and it's a good thing, because we had to spot each other when one of us would get tired chasing Brandon around.  They finally left once he settled down for his nap.

We were laughing at Brandon so hard today.  By the time his lunch came this afternoon, he was so hungry!  He took his cake and shoved it into his mouth and it only took him three bites to down his pudding.  He made Kassi eat the beans and he fed her half of his mac and cheese.  He also downed the entire bag of Sour Patch Kids that Aimee brought him. (Including the sugar at the bottom)

I have to tell you a quick story.  We met a lady named Michell last week when Brandon was on the shock trauma floor.  Her husband, David who was a hockey coach had fallen and hit his head on the ice.  Her and David's family were always in the waiting room and so we all became pretty good friends.  She came up to Brandon's room today to visit him and see how he is doing.  She also came to let us know that her husband of 25 years passed away on Wednesday.  I know that seeing Brandon and his progress has given her a little extra faith to hold on to.  Her and Kassi just hugged each other and cried.  We don't understand why Heavenly Father chooses to take one of his children and yet allows the other to stay, but we know that his hand has been in all of this from the beginning.  We don't look at this as a tragedy, it is a blessing!  Thank Heaven that we can't see into the future and view the trials we will face or we would probably be terrified; but when they do come, somehow we make it through.  And when we emerge, we are better and stronger than ever!  In the words of President Hinkley . . . "Things will work out, they always do."  Have faith! Hold on!  And turn to your Savior who died not only for your sins, but also for all the pain you will endure while you are here!

We are so blessed and I know that so many of you have been touched by our experience and will also be better because of it.  Heavenly Father must have something really special in store for Brandon, Kassi and Branson to give them a second chance at life.

This will be the last time I get to write before Tom comes to relieve me for a week, but before I go I want to say a couple of things.  First of all, Thank you all for everything!  We have had visits from friends that we haven't seen in years that we should have kept in touch with, but haven't.  It was fun to see Becky James and Ralin Christensen who have known us since our kids were born.  We are getting over 650 hits per day on this site from wonderful people who truly care about us.  We love you all so much!!  I want to thank all those who devote their lives to serving others in hospitals and care centers and many other professions such as fire and police services.  This hospital is a hub of service and concern that never sleeps!

We have witnessed so many acts of kindness.  i.e. A wonderful Thanksgiving dinner was brought to us by Tom's nephew and his wife and we were able to eat a hot meal together as a family in the hospital cafeteria.  Eric works at the Best Western at Cotton Tree Square in Provo and they gave him money for food and gas and a place for us to stay for a few days.  Tom's nephew's wife's grandparents let us stay in their apartment for several days while the kids where here.  They usually get about $1200/week when it is rented but they let us stay there for free.  Our RV neighbors keep putting surprises by our RV door.  They left us a ham and a frying pan one day and a small Christmas tree and some Cider on another day.  They are here because their father and husband is dieing of cancer.  Money was raised by the Parks & Rec in Hurricane and also the Fire Dept.  This has been a huge help with some of the expenses.  My mom has also been such an angel!  She loaned Brandon and Kassi the money to buy their 4-runner just two months ago.  Brad also had put over a week of work into it and new tires, right before the accident; and now it is sitting in a salvage yard somewhere in Cedar City.  My friend, Jamie has been helping us watch Matt and Chandler on top of working and trying to get married.  Trish, Austin's girlfriend has been watching Branson during the day while Kassi's mom works and Kassi's friends have been taking turns driving her up here.  I could go on and on.  Thank you so, so much!

I met an elderly man (about 82) on the elevator today and asked him who he was here to see and tears came to his eyes and he said, "My fiance who has a brain tumor."  Life is so fragile.  Please don't do stupid things and never think that it "won't ever happen to you" because it does.  And last of all, ALWAYS WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT!!  My councilor in YW taught the girls this little song that we always sing when we get into the car to go on outings.  "Seat belts, seat belts, save our lives!  Seat belts, seat belts, for husbands, kids and wives!"

I bare you my testimony that I know that God lives and loves each of us.  I know that priesthood blessings work.  I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is our Savior's church and that the Book of Mormon is true.  I love my Savior with all my heart and I know he has heard our prayers.  In Jesus' name, Amen.


Day Fourteen - Saturday - Part One

By Kassi Kuhlmann:
  This is my first blog and I hope that it turns out half as good as Tom and Leanne's. First things first; I would like to THANK EVERYONE for the prayers and support, I don't think Brandon and I really ever realized how much we are loved and cared for. It's truly amazing to see everyone step up and remind us that we are not in this alone, so again, thank you.

  Last night we brought Branson up to see Brandon.  I was a little nervous at first because of how excited he got on Thursday to just see me.  I could just imagine what he would do with his "little man".  When my mom brought Branson in Brand smiled and said "hey bud" and Branson laughed and said "dah-dee dah-dee". They spent the next couple minutes kissing and hugging each other. Brandon even fed Branson pudding!

  Every day I notice more and more of the mannerisms Brand would do before the accident and I get so excited. The way he sleeps with his arms folded or tucked in above his head, the way he rubs his nose then sniffs, How he pops his knuckles,wrists, and elbows. I know these are just silly little things but they are the ones that give me hope. Brandon has always been so sweet to me and it amazes me that he still is. On Thursday when i came to visit he wanted me to lay down and rest and he would sit in his wheelchair. He also hadn't eaten in three days and they finally gave him one Oreo ( If you know Brand you know that he would kill a man for an Oreo) he took one bite then handed it to me and said "here this is for you". I had to choke back tears because here is my husband starving and all he cares about is making sure i get fed. He has always given me the last bite. Last night I was scratching Brandon's back and he told me to stop. I asked why and he said " because its not fair you always scratch my back, I want to scratch yours". I turned around and let him scratch me. He then told me to be quiet and fell asleep while he scratched.

  The nurses and doctors have been debating about taking the feeding tube out but first Brandon had to have 3,000 calories. Last night around nine they told us he was 800 cal. short of their goal. He had till two o clock in the morning to get those last calories, so my dad and I rushed into the cafeteria ordered fries, carrot cake (400 cal. in one slice, yuck), a pint of Ben and Jerry's (270 cal in one serving). We had to wake him up which is like trying to wake the dead (this is not something new he has always been like this). When he finally decided to join us he ate the ice cream like it had no feelings, I could not shovel it in fast enough for him. He ate half the pint which equaled up to around six hundred cal. and the nurses said it was close enough for them. Hooray!  So hopefully today we'll get the tube out of his nose.

  One more story, the last couple of days have been hard. I think I'm finally out of the shock stage and beginning to wrap my head around what actually happened. The last two days I've spent the majority of time crying because it's so hard seeing Brandon confused and vulnerable. He has always been my rock, my tear wiper, the one who keeps away the nightmares. The other night I was skimming through old texts in my phone when I came across one from Brand it read " Kass things take time you need to be patient everything works out, I'm sorry you're having a bad day. Is there anything I can do to help ?" It was perfect, I was having a bad day and I needed to be reminded to be patient, that everything WILL be okay and of course it would be Brandon to remind me. He is my teacher, my best friend, my Knight in ripped blue jeans and boots, my soul mate, my husband, and my angel. He will always be.

  My dad and I stayed with Brandon last night to give Leanne a break.  My poor dad stayed up until about 2am and then he went and slept in the chair by the elevators.  He is so tired and has stayed up so many nights massaging my leg and staying close beside me.

  I also want to tell my parents, all four of them (Kim,Jason,Leanne, and Tom) that I love them so much. You all are so wonderful and I would not be able to function without you. I don't care how old I get I will always need you. I will always be your little girl who needs a hug and a kiss and guidance. Thank you.

Day Thirteen - Friday - Part two

It's not really Friday right now, it's Saturday morning 5am but so much happened yesterday that I didn't get a chance to write.  I've been having a hard time sleeping past 5am for quite some time now, so I thought this would be a good time to write down a few more things while I have a second.

Each day with Brandon is so exciting.  Even watching him get dressed is fun.  He tied his shoes yesterday and even double-knoted them.  It's fun also to see his little mannerisms that haven't changed like the fact that he has to have his pants pulled down until they are around his hips and not around his waist.  Or the way that he still pops his knuckles.

He called his NA yesterday his "Homey".  And when the NA was asking Brandon how tall he was he said, "I'm almost as tall as my dad who is a bigger pain in the ass than I am." 

When he first woke up he asked where I was and his NA said, "She's here, she's just over there on the bed resting."  And Brandon said, "Moms are always there even when they are tired."  So sweet.  He's such a good kid.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day Thirteen - Friday

Brandon is working so hard here.  He starts at 8:30 am and has a very strict schedule all day long.  He has physical therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy two times a day.  It's crazy and it overloads his brain quite a bit, but they said that this kind of stimulus will help to flush the bloody residue from his brain and help it to heal faster.  He has been doing really good at everything, even though it is obvious that he is frustrated.  Today I had to go into his speech therapy session for just a second and when he saw me, he grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him and whispered in my ear . . . "Mom, don't leave me.  I'm scared!  This nurse is so mean!"  It broke my heart.

We found out today that his short-term memory is really bad.  He doesn't remember Kassi being here yesterday or his brothers and sister.  I told him I could show him a picture to prove it and he said, "No, I'll take your word for it."  This will get better and we are assured that everything he is going through is very normal for brain injuries and that he will get better with time and exercise.

He put on his new Bob Marley jacket today and went for a really long walk.  He walked all through the halls and then downstairs and outside.  (With a cute nurse under each arm, which he didn't complain about at all.)  It is 4:30 and he is finally resting after a hard day's work.

He started back on solids today.  If he meets his calorie intake today they will talk about taking the feeding tube out tomorrow.  He still can't have liquids so he is still chewing on cubed ice (or little rocks,as he calls them) all day long.  He weighed 204 when he got here and is down to 184.  He has some serious weight to gain.

Jason (his father-in-law) has been here most of day.  Brandon has really enjoyed having him here with him.  He told us today that he wouldn't in a million years want people to see him like this.  He is finally starting to grasp where he is and why he is here.  Orientation to where he is and why he is here and what the date is, is very important.  When he can orient himself better and tell us these things, it's a good sign.  He still struggles with all of these except the year.  Today when they asked him where he is, he said that he's at the grocery store.  But this is okay; he'll get it.

He had some fun visitors today.  Auggie and his wife Debbie came by from the Provo Fire Dept. to say "Hi".  Brandon told Auggie that he looks like he is 23; Auggie was all over that!  He reminded us to stay hopeful and optimistic and reassured us that Brandon would be okay.  Thank you Provo Fire family for all your love and support and prayers.  And thank you Park's & Recreation and Hurricane Fire for all the donations and cards and love!  You have no idea how grateful we are and how much these small things help us in big ways!  We love you all so much and appreciate your sacrifices during a very busy time of year.

Brandon also got a visit from Branson for the second time today.  They have really missed each other and Branson knows that something isn't quite right and misses having his dad at home.  Branson likes playing with "Disturbia" and running through the halls.  He's a handful, but it's great having him here to visit.  He's been teaching his dad some sign language.

Yesterday was mine and Tom's 27th Wedding Anniversary.  He had Aimee bring me up dinner and some treats and we Skyped each other for a few minutes while we ate.  He is exhausted and not getting much sleep.  His one-week shift with Brandon is coming up tomorrow and I will go home for awhile and turn his 6'5" son over to him.  Just in time too, because my back is killing me!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day Twelve - Thursday

I apologize for getting this out so late today.  It's been a very crazy day, so I don't know quite where to begin?

Brandon had a rough night, but a really patient cute 19 year-old nurse named Emily.  She sat by his side all night long and watched him to make sure he didn't pull out his feeding tube.  He woke up around 12:00am and said he wanted to go to the kitchen and that he was hungry.  They've had him on a feeding tube to try to get some nourishment into him since they are still unsure what he can and cannot eat.  He was so insistent that he started to get a little cranky with us and insist that we not touch him and move out of his way.  He really wanted his midnight snack.  We finally had to call for back-up and a sedative.  He settled down and slept until about five. 

At five he asked to go to the kitchen again so we took him to check out the kitchen.  He opened all the drawers and cupboards looking for food; the drawers he couldn't reach with his hands, he opened with his feet.  We got him some ice chips and then went back to his room.  We were so proud of him because he ate them using his right hand!  He also was speaking very clearly.  He asked the nurse to "get him some more please" and told her "thank you for doing that."  It was amazing the difference a little food and water made.

When he finally woke up around 9 am he was complaining of pain for the first time.  He said that it was his broken sacrum that was hurting, so they gave him something for the pain and then he slept a little while longer.  Once he woke up, they took him down for a swallowing test.

Today ended up being really fun, at first!  Brandon was back!  However, he was is a little overconfident and had a hard time remembering that his body is still not quite co-operating.  He walked about 550 feet today and did the stairs. (With help, of course.)  And it wasn't a slow walk, it was fast and he did really good at not dragging his right foot.  It was awesome!

Kassi and a friend came to visit today and he was so excited that he pulled them both into bed with him and put his arms around their necks and cried.  He misses Kassi so much!  She was cringing the whole time because he was hurting her, but she never said a word because she was so excited to see that he was almost his old self again.

All day long he has been saying that he is bored.  We asked him what he would like to do and he said he wants to go snowboarding.  We tried to put a movie in for him and the DVD wasn't working so then he got up to fix the DVD player.  The problem is that he can't walk by himself, but he thinks that he can.  He has been up and down and up and down all day long and we are all exhausted!

He hasn't been able to drink any kind of fluid.  Because of the brain stem injury, he is inhaling when he drinks fluids.  Because of this, he hasn't been able to have a drink of water.  So all day long he has been asking us for water and trying to trick us into giving him water, and when we won't give it to him, he asks Kassi.  Finally by about 2:00 he had had a little too much stimulus for the day and was so frustrated with us for not giving him a drink that he lost it!  We couldn't get him to settle down, so they had to sedate him again.  This was a little traumatic for Kassi and I so we took a little break in the tranquility room downstairs.

 Kassi and I talked to the nurse and the doctor today after our traumatic afternoon and they decided to take the feeding tube out tomorrow and put him on an IV so he isn't so thirsty.  Tomorrow he can start eating solid food again.  He had one of the best nurses today.  They call her the "Traumatic Brain Injury Whisperer."  She wears a cute snowman shirt, big bell earrings and a tingling bracelet.  She's been really good with him.

Now that it is 6:00 pm and he is finally awake, he is doing much better.  He is eating ice chips like crazy and visiting with Eric and Amber and Aimee and Brad. (Not all at the same time in order to keep the stimulus down.)  I hope he gets some sleep tonight.  Everyday brings a new adventure and he is going to be out of here before we know it!  We are still working on having "the lights on" all the time and keeping him from getting too frustrated with himself, but it will come.  He gets stronger everyday!