

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Day Three, Tuesday - Part Two

November 23, 2010: Kassi has been working out with her new hardware.  She gets placed on a range of motion machine to work to work on movement and rehab.  Not her favorite activity.  Even less favorite was using using her grandma walker.  The therapist got her up to walk. She made it as far as the walker followed by the floor then her bed.  She says she passed out because her blood is too thin.  The pain was tolerable.  Maybe tomorrow she can make a lap around the hall. 

Kassi continues to long for Brandon.  It is hard for her to be in Cedar City with Brandon in Salt Lake.  I believe she used the term, "This sucks." She is trying her best to get ready for the trip to Salk Lake just as soon as the doctor says she is ready.  Friends and relatives continue to pour in with offers of housing, food, vehicles, babysitting, and anything else you can imagine.  Travelling long hard roads are made easier when supported by such great people. She expresses her love for all of you.

Brandon continues as he has been, heavily sedated with a few minor daily victories.  He had several accomplishments on one of his sedation vacations.  He opened his left eye, squinted heavily when both eyelids were opened by the PA, and brushed his hand across his forehead.  Today's goal is to wean him off the anesthesia and the ventilator while increasing the meds to better control his pain. He has been doing a good job at taking many of his own breaths. His brothers and sisters continue to dote over him.  He is getting regular massages to exercise his muscles and tons of expressions of love. I just hope they don't rub all his skin off with all the attention he is getting.

Last night's marathon MRI session confirmed our greatest concern.  Brandon has signs of diffuse axonal trauma in his brain. The wait and see game stretches even longer.  We continue to hope and pray that the injury will be limited to stretching or swelling rather than disruption or sheering of the axons.  He is getting the best of care and we are planning a family fast starting tonight to ask for the extra help Brandon and his family need at this time. 

Brandon, Kassi and their families express their appreciation for all the love, support, and prayers everyone continues to offer in their behalf.


  1. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. You are an amazing family with a lot of strength. We are sure Brandon can feel your love, and hopefully ours, too! Your ward family loves you!!
    ~ Dayley Family

  2. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!We hope for a speedy recovery.
    The Ashley Averett Family
