

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Day Ten - Tuesday - Part Two

November 30, 2010: I had to do one more post before I leave for Hurricane.  There have been a lot of joyful tears shed today.  The nurse came and got me from the waiting room early today.  She brought me back for shift change.  She said she had cheated and tried to give Brandon a drink of water.  He drank it without problem.  She then let me feed him a cup of pudding and a glass of juice.  You should have seen him inhale both of them, (figuratively - not literally).

He told me "No more medicine, I'm not in pain."  I told him when he gets agitated we assume he is in pain.  He said, "I'm not in pain, I'm panicking."  We talked about what was being done and why.  I placed a O2 saturation probe on his toe.  He asked, "What did you do that to my toe for? Get it off."  I told him what it was and why and he told me I could leave it on.  For the first time in days he is resting comfortably and is not trying to remove the remaining tube, electrodes, or sat monitor. 

The tears came as he stood with assistance.  The physical therapists were working with him on balance and retraining him to lean, sit straight, look left. He was extremely responsive.  Then came stand.  He stood with help.  They told him to find dad.  He looked around, made eye contact, then they said give him a wave with your right hand.  He waved.  He waved with an arm that has for the most part remained flaccid for ten days, and best of all, he gave me the trade marked Brandon grin. 

His room is now a hub of activity as they get him ready to go to the rehab floor.  Rehab is excited to receive him.  We are hopeful that it is not too much too soon.  We are able to work through his panic moments and he calms right down.  A good day.  He slept, ate, worked out, asked the right questions and acknowledged people. Then back to staring.  Increasing lucid moments and physical responsiveness.  All great steps in the right direction.


  1. That is such great news to hear! Thanks for keeping this blog updated we check it all the time and you all are in our prayers. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.

  2. This is amazing! Brandon, you are a miracle, for sure. It's great to see you up on your feet.
