

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day Twenty-Two - Sunday

By Brad

December 12, 2010: Three weeks in and what a change from day one. Brandon woke up on his own today at 6:40, the time he normally wakes up at home to go to work.  He was awake and eagerly waiting for dad to come to his room from the RV.  He was excited for the family to be here today. 

His PT today went well.  He had time on the bike and tilting balance beam.  Never a day off.  Each day he gets better.  His balance is almost back to normal.  I was impressed at how well he walked the beam and threw the ball.  His endurance is also getting better.  He was able to keep the reps up on the bike for 15 minutes.

Today was family day. Brandon had visitors from both sides of his family. Everyone came up because we got permission to have Brandon out for the day. He had lunch with his family in the RV in the parking lot. That went very well. Lots of laughs and jokes from Brandon. Then the plan was to have a day at Temple Square.  

On the drive over Brandon seemed great.  Problem was that he was texting while riding in the car. Once he was out he started to complain of feeling sick. After a half hour sitting down trying to help him relax he had enough. Tom, Kassi, and Brandon went back to the RV at the hospital while the rest of us stayed to enjoy as much as we could with out the three that had to leave.

We returned to the hospital for dinner. Brandon wants to leave the hospital - NOW. That is about the story of the day. "I'm bored" and "Lets go home" are his favorite words now. "Take me to grandpa's." The biggest achievement today is that Brandon has been awake since 6:40 this morning and is still awake at 9:00 PM.  He keeps making jokes and is so funny its hard to explain. Anyway, he wants some ice cream before bed so we need to go. Hope we can just walk to our kitchen at home and get it for him soon.

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