

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day Eighteen - Wednesday - Part One

December 8, 2010  I was looking back at the blog yesterday to exactly one week ago on Brandon's progress, and I am still truly amazed at how much he has improved.  To think that just over a little more that a week ago he was just starting to open his eyes!  And now look at him, begging to come home!  What a great miracle we have all witnessed!

I know that many families have made reading the blog a nightly event and I am so grateful for you letting us into your homes everyday.  (We apologize for the occasional swear word in front of the kids.)  I heard a story from Sister Daley across the street that I would like to share with you.  They had been praying for Brandon and reading the blog as a family after the accident.  Then one day her littlest boy, Dawson, came up to her and said that he had been praying for Brandon he knew Brandon was going to be okay.  She asked him how he knew that, and he said that Jesus told him.  What great faith these little children have!

I was also talking to the councilor at Hurricane Elementary who has been visiting with Matt and Chandler through all of this, and he said that as he was talking to Chandler one day, that he had mentioned that he was fasting that day and was afraid to go to lunch because he was worried he might be tempted to eat.  So the councilor let Chandler come into his office and hang out until lunch was over.  The councilor told me that he was so impressed by this.

It was Matthew who really held me together that first week.  He kept telling me over and over that Brandon would be okay.  I was also buoyed up by Tom's priesthood blessing that he gave Brandon in the ER the day of the accident.  He said that he saw Brandon walking through the door.  These small things have kept my faith strong, especially while Brandon was still "sleeping".

I think of all the prayers and all the fasts that have been held for Brandon, and it's no wonder he is doing so well.  We held two extended family fasts for him, which I would like to thank everyone for.  Our son Brad fasted 3 times that first week that Brandon was in Shock Trauma.  My poor kids are so exhausted!  My three oldest slept on the floor at the hospital along with Tom that first week and are coming up almost every day from Orem to visit him.  It has changed all of us forever in a very good way.

Today is David's funeral.  (He was two doors down from Brandon in Shock Trauma.)  Our hearts and prayers go out to his wife and family.  It breaks my heart to know what they are enduring during this usually happy Christmas season.  My feelilngs come very close to the surface and it makes me contemplate that it could have just as easily have been us.  We are so blessed!

People keep asking what they can do to help, but really we are doing great!  The prayers, love and concern have been all that we've needed.  Thank you everyone for your comments on the blog; these help us a lot and they have all been really sweet.  My gratitude is overwhelming for all that has been done.  We love you all!   -Leanne

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