

Friday, December 10, 2010

Day Twenty - Friday - Part Two

December 10, 2010: Brandon came back from physical therapy today walking all by himself.  The therapist was two steps behind him watching him as he walked balanced.  He has really struggled with being confined to the hospital today.  There have been several periods of withdrawal and depression.  He wants out very badly.  He did so well in PT that I convinced them he really needed to get out of the hospital for awhile, and we were given permission to make a break for it and head to COSTCO. He got a little dizzy when cars started driving by in the opposite direction.  He kept moving forward and walked quite a distance. Overall we covered around 1 1/4 mile. 

Brandon has never been one for crowds.  His time in COSTCO was no different.  We spent 35-40 minutes there.  We walked around the store for 5-10 minutes then sat at the food court and had a treat.  There Brandon could put his head on the table, breathe deeply and practice relaxing. He had a similar response and anxiety when we went to the gift shop on one of his occupational therapy sessions.  He handled both of them well by realizing he was getting anxious and by practicing relaxation techniques.  I was impressed by how he covered so much physical and emotional ground today.

Brandon just asked what I was doing.  I told him I was writing the post for this evening.  He told me to write that he "loves Kassi" and he "loves everyone" and wants to "thank everyone for what they are doing for him." "Tell everyone goodnight."  So with that, Good night everyone.

Not so fast.  Kassi just sent me a text.  She is on her way to the hospital.  Her collar bone popped again is very tight against her skin and the area around the break is turning blue.  As you can imagine, she is as emotionally distraught as she is in pain.  She had planned on spending the day with Brandon tomorrow and was getting ready to come up early.  Knowing her, she will continue to push through it and be here in the morning, pain or no pain.

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