

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day Twenty-One - Saturday

December 11, 2010: Close call.  Kassi's trip to the ER confirmed what we already knew, she has a broken collar bone that has been aggravated by Branson pulling on her left arm while being a two-year-old. Her re-injury was limited to excruciating pain and some torn scar tissue.  Her skin over the break actually looks better today than yesterday.  The skin is not as tight and the color and circulation has returned to the area.

Brandon is more convinced than yesterday that he needs to go home.  He told me this morning that he would get smarter in Hurricane than here.  He said here all there is a wall and a white board to look at.  In Hurricane he could see things and go "Hey look there's a car, or a train or a truck."  "Here there is nothing."  Every time someone comes in and asks if he needs anything he says "Ya, I need to go home."

He is excited to have Kassi visiting again today.  She says she is not in any pain.  However, based on her pale complexion and the fact that she keeps visiting the bathroom to vomit, she must not feel as well as she is trying to convince herself she feels. She brought a lot of things for Brandon to do to help break up the monotony.  He also keeps asking when Leanne and the other children are going to get here.  The plan is for a family day tomorrow - AWAY FROM THE HOSPITAL. I cannot explain how excited he is to get away from here for awhile.  I just hope we can get him back in once he gets to go outside for an extended period. 

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