

Friday, December 3, 2010

Day Thirteen - Friday

Brandon is working so hard here.  He starts at 8:30 am and has a very strict schedule all day long.  He has physical therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy two times a day.  It's crazy and it overloads his brain quite a bit, but they said that this kind of stimulus will help to flush the bloody residue from his brain and help it to heal faster.  He has been doing really good at everything, even though it is obvious that he is frustrated.  Today I had to go into his speech therapy session for just a second and when he saw me, he grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him and whispered in my ear . . . "Mom, don't leave me.  I'm scared!  This nurse is so mean!"  It broke my heart.

We found out today that his short-term memory is really bad.  He doesn't remember Kassi being here yesterday or his brothers and sister.  I told him I could show him a picture to prove it and he said, "No, I'll take your word for it."  This will get better and we are assured that everything he is going through is very normal for brain injuries and that he will get better with time and exercise.

He put on his new Bob Marley jacket today and went for a really long walk.  He walked all through the halls and then downstairs and outside.  (With a cute nurse under each arm, which he didn't complain about at all.)  It is 4:30 and he is finally resting after a hard day's work.

He started back on solids today.  If he meets his calorie intake today they will talk about taking the feeding tube out tomorrow.  He still can't have liquids so he is still chewing on cubed ice (or little rocks,as he calls them) all day long.  He weighed 204 when he got here and is down to 184.  He has some serious weight to gain.

Jason (his father-in-law) has been here most of day.  Brandon has really enjoyed having him here with him.  He told us today that he wouldn't in a million years want people to see him like this.  He is finally starting to grasp where he is and why he is here.  Orientation to where he is and why he is here and what the date is, is very important.  When he can orient himself better and tell us these things, it's a good sign.  He still struggles with all of these except the year.  Today when they asked him where he is, he said that he's at the grocery store.  But this is okay; he'll get it.

He had some fun visitors today.  Auggie and his wife Debbie came by from the Provo Fire Dept. to say "Hi".  Brandon told Auggie that he looks like he is 23; Auggie was all over that!  He reminded us to stay hopeful and optimistic and reassured us that Brandon would be okay.  Thank you Provo Fire family for all your love and support and prayers.  And thank you Park's & Recreation and Hurricane Fire for all the donations and cards and love!  You have no idea how grateful we are and how much these small things help us in big ways!  We love you all so much and appreciate your sacrifices during a very busy time of year.

Brandon also got a visit from Branson for the second time today.  They have really missed each other and Branson knows that something isn't quite right and misses having his dad at home.  Branson likes playing with "Disturbia" and running through the halls.  He's a handful, but it's great having him here to visit.  He's been teaching his dad some sign language.

Yesterday was mine and Tom's 27th Wedding Anniversary.  He had Aimee bring me up dinner and some treats and we Skyped each other for a few minutes while we ate.  He is exhausted and not getting much sleep.  His one-week shift with Brandon is coming up tomorrow and I will go home for awhile and turn his 6'5" son over to him.  Just in time too, because my back is killing me!

1 comment:

  1. We check every day to hear the latest news and it's so true...that miracles really do happen. :) Brandon is amazing with the progress that he is making and we couldn't be more thrilled for your family.
    We pray every day that he continues to fight and take the strides that he needs to in order to get better. Sending strength and health your way so that you and your family can continue to help Brandon with his recovery. ;)
    Nick and Heidi
